Catalunya 1400

The International Gothic Style

Exhibition from 29 March to 15 July 2012


Museu de Lleida Diocesà i Comarcal

Museu de Lleida Diocesà i Comarcal

The Museu de Lleida opened its doors with the exhibition ‘Prooemium’ in the Romanesque church of Sant Martí. This church was built in the 12th century and since then has been put to a variety of uses, including as the chapel of the Estudi General (where the most important academic acts were held in the 14th century) and as a military barracks after the Guerra dels Segadors (War of the Reapers) in 1648.

The exhibition displays some of the best Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque works in the collections of the diocese, as well as items from the treasury of the Seu Vella.

The new Museu de Lleida Diocesà i Comarcal was inaugurated in 2007 in a brand new installation in the former Llar de Sant Josep, intended to contain the heritage of the city and its surrounding region. Arranged on two levels, it is foreseen that it will exhibit Lleida’s collections of archaeology and art covering a long period from the Bronze Age to the 19th century.

Closed on Mondays. Open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday (10 am to 1.30 pm)

  • Thanks to a loan by this institution, visitors to the exhibition can admire the following works: panels from a Retable of the Saviour: the Baptism of Christ and the Transfiguration, and the Retable of Saint Anthony the Abbot, all three works by Pere Teixidor; the Nativity and Epiphany, by Jaume Ferrer and Pere Teixidor, the Head of Saint James the Greater, by Rotllí Gautier, and the Head of Saint James the Minor, by Jordi Safont.