Catalunya 1400

The International Gothic Style

Exhibition from 29 March to 15 July 2012


Museu d’Art de Girona

façana del museu de la catedral de girona

The Bishop’s Palace (12th and 16th c.) is home to the Museu d’Art de Girona. Before we go inside we can admire the beauty of the building in the façade, the prison tower and the large Romanesque windows.

One of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Romanesque art in the country is housed in more than 4,000 square metres.

The museum contains items of great value, such as the altar of Sant Pere de Roda (10th-11th c.), made of wood and stone and covered with silver, and the Cruïlles beam (12th c.), a polychrome support, the only one to have been preserved in Europe.

There is also an outstanding glazier’s table (14th c.), the only instrument of its kind in Europe, on which drawings filled with coloured glass are sketched, and the Virgin of Besalú (15th c.), carved in alabaster and considered one of the finest Gothic examples of its kind.

The museum also devotes one gallery to 20th-century painting, where we can see works by Catalan artists such as Joaquim Vayreda and Rusiñol.

In summer it can visited from Tuesday to Saturday (10 am to 7 pm) and Sundays and holidays (10 am to 2 pm), and in winter from Tuesday to Friday (10 am to 6 pm) and Sundays and holidays (10 am to 2 pm).

  • Thanks to a loan by this institution, visitors to the exhibition can admire the following work: relief from a predella with a prophet and a friar, by Pere Oller.